J A N O S C A R SPAANDER born 19 February 1889 in Assen, died 19 November 1976 in Heiloo. He was an interior architect in Driehuis, later on in Overveen. In Amsterdam on 21 November 1918 he wed MARGARETHA ENNENGA born 13 September 1888 in Amsterdam, died 24 February 1953 in Haarlem. She was the daughter of Petrus Heere ENNENGA and Margaretha DE HAAS. C h i l d r e n : 1 HENRIETTA JOHANNA MARIA born 28 September 1919 in Amsterdam. She was a public's notary clerk. In Haarlem on 10 May 1949 she wed TEUNIS PIETER VAN TONGEREN born 7 November 1913 in Haarlem, died 29 July 1974 in Alkmaar. In 1949 they departed for Tarkwa, in British West Africa and in 1953 they returned to The Netherlands, but in 1956 they moved again, this time to Tumatumari, British Guyana. In 1961 back in Holland. Teun became an administrator with the police in Alkmaar. He was the son of Pieter VAN TONGEREN and Jantina GRAALMAN. 2 HENRI see below.
H E N R I SPAANDER born 8 October 1924 in Amsterdam. As a professional with the Royal Dutch Air-force, he was an instructor of ground- and board telegraphers and for a time was assigned to the 334 transport squadron. He was the head of the instruction section for officers and sub-officers with the Air-force Electronics and Technical School in Arnhem. On 4 June 1955 he wed JOSEPHINE WILHELMINE ELIZA MARIA DE JONG born 6 November 1929 in 's Hertogenbosch. She was an administrative co-worker at the de-mobilization section of the Royal Army in Vught. She was the daughter of Anthonius Arnoldus Vincentius DE JONG and Josephine Woutera Wilhelmina BAUDOIN. C h i l d r e n : 1 ROBERT ANTHONY OSCAR see below. 2 MONICA MARGARETHA JOSEPHINE born 6 April 1960 in Rijswijk. She is a nurse. In Vorden on 22 December 1994 she wed CORNELIS JOHANNES DE KONING born 1 September 1960 in Huissen. He also is a nurse and the son of Hermanus Bernardus DE KONING and Theadora Grada ARENDS. Children : 06-04-1996 Liselotte.
R O B E R T ANTHONY OSCAR SPAANDER born 4 November 1956 in 's Hertogenbosch. He is an artist in plastic. In Bemmel on 25 May 1990 he wed JANTINE KLAASJE SCHIMMELPENNINK born 20 April 1961, nurse and the daughter of Evert Bernardus SCHIMMELPENNINK and Annie ARENDS. C h i l d r e n : 1 FLOYD born 4 August 1987 in Arnhem. 2 COSMO born 7 April 1991 in Arnhem.
K L A A S SPAANDER born 31 March 1754 in Beets, died 30 July 1829 in Beets. He was a cattle farmer, deacon in 1794, elder in 1809, Magistrate and Lord Mayor in Beets. In Beets on 29 (15) April 1787 he wed HILLEGOND MOLENAAR born 16 October 1759 in Beets, died 23 June 1828 in Beets. She was the daughter of Leendert MOLENAAR and Aaltje JORISDR. C h i l d r e n : 1 GERRIT baptized 13 April 1788 in Beets, died 3 May 1813 in Fulda. See also note 1-104) in Appendix 1 on page 118. 2 LEENDERT see page 105. 3 LIJSBETH born in 1792 in Beets, died 1 January 1793. 4 LIJSBETH born 16 December 1793 in Beets, died 10 May 1858 in Beets. In Beets on 29 May 1818 she wed JOHANNES QUERNER born 9 March 1794 in Hoorn, died 31 December 1849 in Beets. He was a farrier and the son of Daniël QUERNER and Jannetje HOVENIER. 5 JAN see page 105. 6 AALTJE born 17 October 1799 in Beets, baptized 20 October 1799, died 22 May 1874. In Beets on 15 April 1827 she wed JACOB WARMENHUIZEN born 28 May 1798, died 28 February 1868 in Beets. He was the son of the baker Jacob (Gerrit) WARMENHUIZEN and Neeltje (Neelke) DE WEST.