H E N D R I C U S (HENRICUS) SPAANDER born 14 March 1888 in Midwoud, died 28 November 1955 in Bergen. He was an agriculturalist and cattle farmer in Midwoud and later on had a business in cheeses in Bergen. On 30 April (2 April) 1911 he wed AALTJE (ALIDA) WIT born 6 (1) April 1887 in Twisk (Midwoud), died 26 April 1972 in Bergen. She was the daughter of Jacob WIT and Aagje DONKER.
C h i l d r e n :
1 JAN born 17 April 1912 in Midwoud, died 2 December 1985 in Bergen. In WW-II he was commander of a torpedo boat in the West Indies and the captain of a merchant man of the KNSM. (Royal Dutch Steamship Company). 2 JACOB born 25 August 1917 in Midwoud. He was an agriculturalist. 3 TRIJNTJE (TINEKE) born 11 September 1922 in Midwoud. In Midwoud on 24 (23) April 1947 (1948) she wed ANDRIES CHRISTIAAN BIJVOET born 29 November 1910 (1911) in Utrecht (Amsterdam), died 9 September 1971. He was a navigating officer with the Holland Lloyd and lived for a number of years in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Children : 23-12-1948 Cristina and 22-02-1950 Enri Queta Adele.