ANDRIES SPAANDER  born 31 October 1877 in Midwoud, died 22 September 1937 in Hoorn.
For years he was an alderman and the deputy Lord Mayor in Hoorn. He had a clothing shop for gents in Hoorn and Alkmaar.
     In Midwoud on 19 October 1908 he wed
GEERTRUIDA CORNELIA NOE  born 10 October 1886 in Hoorn, died 29 August 1965 in
Amsterdam. She was the daughter of Adrianus NOE and Nelle Maria VULKERS.
     In Hoorn on 10 (20) September 1925 Andries wed
JOHANNA MARIA CLASINA  VISSER  born 6 March 1901 in Hoorn. She is the daughter of
Klaas VISSER and Johanna Wilhelmina WORMHOUDT.

C h i l d r e n :

  by Geertruida:
JAN ADRIAAN  born 20 July 1909 in Hoorn, died 8 August 1937 (drowned) in Brummen.
NELLA MARIA  born 1 April 1918 in Haarlem. 
     On 2 April 1947 she wed
GERARD MOLENKAMP  born 7 July 1914 in Den Helder. He was a journalist.

  by Johanna:
JOHANNA WILHELMINA  born 2 July 1930 in Hoorn.

for the




H E N D R I C U S  (HENRICUS)  SPAANDER  born 14 March 1888 in Midwoud, died 28 November 1955 in Bergen. He was an agriculturalist and cattle farmer in Midwoud and later on had a business in cheeses in Bergen.
     On 30 April (2 April) 1911 he wed
AALTJE (ALIDA) WIT  born 6 (1) April 1887 in Twisk (Midwoud), died 26 April 1972 in Bergen. She was the daughter of Jacob WIT and Aagje DONKER.

C h i l d r e n :

  JAN  born 17 April 1912 in Midwoud, died 2 December 1985 in Bergen.  In WW-II he was commander of a torpedo boat in the West Indies and the captain of a merchant man of the KNSM. (Royal Dutch Steamship Company).
JACOB  born 25 August 1917 in Midwoud.  He was an agriculturalist.
TRIJNTJE (TINEKE) born 11 September 1922 in Midwoud.
     In Midwoud on 24 (23) April 1947 (1948) she wed
ANDRIES CHRISTIAAN  BIJVOET  born 29 November 1910 (1911) in Utrecht  (Amsterdam), died
9 September 1971. He was a navigating officer with the Holland Lloyd and lived for a number of years in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Children :  23-12-1948 Cristina and 22-02-1950 Enri Queta Adele.

for the