S I E W E R T SPAANDER born 15 March 1942 in Obdam. He was a bookkeeper and an enthusiastic soccer player. In Obdam on 1 July 1964 he wed ELISABETH MARGRIET KOELEMEIJ born 19 September 1945 in Heiloo. She was a domestic economist and the daughter of Dirk KOELEMEIJ, born 6 April 1912, and Trijntje BETLEM, born 14 May 1913.
C h i l d r e n : 1 ERIK see below. 2 PAUL see below. 3 MENNO born 10 February 1969. He was a shop assistant and his sport was athletics.
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E R I K SPAANDER born 8 September 1964 in Alkmaar. He also was a soccer player and worked as an instructor at the Public Administration Office (PAK). On 25 May 1990 he wed KARIN GREIJDANUS born 9 September 1967 in Slootdorp. She was the daughter of Klaas GREIJDANUS, born 30 October 1940, and Engeltje OSKAM, born 14 June 1942.
C h i l d r e n : 1 YANNICK born 10 December 1994 in Alkmaar.
P A U L SPAANDER born 18 March 1967 in Schermerhorn. His sport is skating. He is a tarmac worker with the KLM. On 5 July 1991 he wed LIESBETH KARIN BRAAKSMA born 30 December 1966 in Alkmaar. She was the daughter of Siebrand BRAAKSMA, born 29 December 1939 and Herma (A) C Kuipers, born 7 September 1939.
C h i l d r e n : 1 ROY born 24 March 1994.
J O A N N E S SPAANDER born 16 January 1944 in Obdam. He assembles cooling elements. On 24 September 1971 he wed GEORGINA INGEGRETHA DE BRUIJN born 10 July 1945 in Amsterdam.
C h i l d r e n : 1 MARK born 7 April 1971 in Herwijnen. 2 MELANIE born 28 May 1975 in Herwijnen.
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