A R J E N P I E T E R W I L H E L M U S SPAANDER born 13 July 1946 in Amsterdam. He became a teacher at the 'Philips Industrial School' in Eindhoven and subsequently a teacher in Uden In Berlicum on 23 June 1977 he wed PETRONELLA JOHANNA MARIA WAALS born 5 April 1952 in Berlicum. She is a teacher in Uden.
C h i l d r e n :
1 LOES GERDINA NANNIE (VOKELTJE), born 13 January 1978 in Uden. 2 ARJEN PIETER WILHELMUS, born 3 July 1979 in Uden. 3 ELLEN JANIE (JANNIE) CARMEN, born 8 November 1985 in Uden.