J A N D I R K SPAANDER born 3 August 1921 in Bandoeng. During the war 1940/45 his date of birth in the Registration of Births section in the Town Hall was altered in 3 August 1922 to prevent him from being called up for work in Germany (it made him a year 'younger'!). He was a manager. On 19 July 1945 he wed MARIA GEERTRUIDA ROOSDORP born 9 September 1923 in Bussum. She was the daughter of Frans Alex ROOSDORP, born 14 August 1896 in Haarlem and Geertje VAN DEN BROEK, born 11 September 1895 in Purmerend.
C h i l d r e n :
1 JAN DIRK born 24 February 1946 in Amersfoort. On 16 December 1971 he wed ANNIE EELKE DE DOOD born 24 September 1945 in Oostzaan. 2 PETER ALEXANDER see below.