A D R I A A N SPAANDER born 14 February 1683 in Durgerdam, buried 12 (22) November 1726. He was 'Scheepen' of Schellingwoude and Buiksloot, parish guardian, member of the local council, Verger and in 1722 Lord Mayor of Durgerdam. On 15 November 1711 (543.8) he bought a parcel of land in the Southquarter, named "den Horn", of 1014 roods, from Monsieur Daniel Isaac AUXBREBIS, living in Amsterdam. On 27 July 1712 (543.24) he bought a parcel of land in the Zuiderkwartier 24 at Schellingwoude, named "de Cleij", of 1115 roods from Cornelis JANSZ and Tijmen CORNELISZ. On 2 February 1717 (88.406) Adriaan SPAANDER, former Lord Mayor, and Klaas VISSER from Durgerdam, bought as heirs of Mr Adriaan VISSER, a parcel of land, named "het Kopje", for Dfl. 2.20.--. On 7 July 1719 (543.128) he bought a parcel of land, of 539 roods, in Zuiderkwartier 23 at Schellingwoude, named "boes Bleij" from Jannetje Cornelisd GILDEN and Geertje Cornelisd GILDEN, both children heirs of the late Cornelis GILDEN and Jannetje CLAASD. On 31 December 1720 he became a member of the town council. On 17 May 1721 (543.168) sold to Willem CRINIUS the parcel of land "den Horn". On 31 December 1721 (162) he became Verger and on 16 May 1722 (162) Lord Mayor. In 1725 he became Verger again. On 12 May 1725 (543.236) he bought a parcel of land, called "de Veen", measuring 1055 roods, in the Southquarter 25 from Daniel AUXBREBIS. In Durgerdam on 4 September 1712 Adriaan wed LIJSJE VISSCHER (VISSER), born 5 January 1686 in Durgerdam, baptized 10 January 1686 and buried 8 January 1731 in Durgerdam. She was the daughter of Adriaan VISSCHER, who died 15 July 1714, and Geertje DIRKSDR.
C h i l d r e n : 1 STACIUS (STATIUS) born 3 August 1712, baptized 13 August 1712 in Durgerdam, buried 9 April 1732 in Durgerdam. 2 ADRIAAN baptized 9 September 1714 in Durgerdam, died in 1715. 3 ADRIAAN baptized 4 August 1715 in Durgerdam, died 27 June 1717. 4 GEERTJE baptized 26 July 1716 in Durgerdam, died in 1724. 5 ADRIAAN born 27 June 1717 and baptized 26 September 1717 in Durgerdam, died 26 July 1789 and buried 29 July 1789 in Durgerdam. He was also known as 'De Oude' (the Old One). On 30 July 1739 he inherits (Ransdorp 551.129) from his parents Dfl.3650 in obligations, 3 parcels of land (refer above), 1/4 of plot 95 and 1/2 of plot 132. On 27 December 1741 he is Under Verger in Ransdorp. On 8 July 1749 (544.204) Adriaan and his brother Jan bought a parcel of land at Schellingwoude in Zuiderkwartier 22 from Claes BOTTERKOOPER and on 30 June 1750 (544.211) Adriaan bought from his brother Jan half of 4 parcels of land in the Zuiderkwartier of which he already owned the other half for Dfl.250. Apparently Adriaan was a good buyer, but not a good seller, because six days after his death the magistrate Simon KETEL and the Secretary Joannes Gesner FOCKENS were appointed as curators of his insolvent estate. In Durgerdam on 21 June 1739 Adriaan wed GEERTJE BOODT baptized 29 August 1717 in Durgerdam and buried 21 January 1783 in Durgerdam. She was a daughter of Captain Pieter BOODT, who died 31 May 1732, and Wulmet (Welmut) PEEN, who died 14 November 1726. 6 JAN baptized 4 December 1718 in Durgerdam, buried 12 August 1719 in Durgerdam. 7 JAN baptized 7 June 1720 in Durgerdam, buried 1 July 1720 in Durgerdam. 8 JAN see page 26. 9 WEYNTJE (WEIJNTJE) baptized 15 December 1722, buried 7 December 1724 in Durgerdam. 10 GEERTJE baptized 19 March 1724, buried 29 November 1724 in Durgerdam. 11 DIRK baptized 15 July 1725, buried 2 April 1726 in Durgerdam. 12 WEYNTJE (WEIJNTJE) baptized 9 March 1727, buried 22 October 1727 in Durgerdam.