J A N SPAENDER lived around the year 1520. He was also called 'Janke Piers' and 'Old Sheriff' and at one stage fought with the 'Beggars of the Sea'. (a fleet of armed ships that plundered ships from countries with which their motherland was at war).
C h i l d r e n :
PIETER Jan ?? Vrerick ??
The name Spaander was also written as Spaender, Spaders, Spans, Spr.
According to N C Spaander Janke Piers also had a son JAN .
There was also a Dirk Vrericks SPANS who on the 25th of April 1614 was a magistrate at 45 years old. His year of birth must have been approx. 1569. If this Dirk was a grandson of Janke Piers, then Janke Piers also had a son called Vrerick.
Note : Vrericks is Vrerick's. The "s" tacked to a first name means "child of", thus Dirk Vrericks means "Dirk the son of Vrerick" Lateron this 's became 'sz or 'sd (with or without an apostrophe), where the 'z' stands for zoon (son) and the 'd' stands for dochter (daughter).
Also : A fact is that around the year 1520 the Frisian "Grutte Pier" (Groote Pier) came with a fleet to Medemblik and conquered most of an area of what is now known as "West Friesland". Another fact is that the name "Janke" is not a name for a boy, but a friesian name for a girl. What follows now is speculation, but could be a fact: When Groote Pier came to Medemblik his (grown-up ?) daughter came with him or came later. He decided to make her regent / governor of the area he had conquered. Janke was already married to, or lateron married, a fellow by the name of Spans, Spaders, Spaender and fought on, or more likely was in charge of, one of her father's ships with the 'Beggars of the Sea'. Klaas Spaander